Example Subgraph for Mantle Testnet
An example to help you get started with graph service for mantle testnet. For more information see the docs on https://thegraph.com/docs/.
Example subgraph
install dependencies
install foundry tools to ./bin
# for mac silicon chip, pls select the version fit your os/cpu platform
curl -sSL $pkg | tar xzf - -C ./bin
export $PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
install node packages
Deploy an simple example contract
optional, or just use 0x1de239E2D98dea46C10D6D14F5E9EB427fdE6059
we deployed already
bin/forge create --legacy --rpc-url https://rpc.testnet.mantle.xyz \
--private-key 0x... \
--from 0x...\
Deployer: 0x00000500E87eE83A1BFa233512af25a4003836C8
Deployed to: 0x1de239E2D98dea46C10D6D14F5E9EB427fdE6059
Transaction hash: 0x4cf8fa85b6cb253cf8222c0863eea3607b31c5c168a9170262723077d674eb22
Deploy Subgraph
# modify contract address and startBlock to apropriate value in subgraph.yaml
vim subgraph.yaml
yarn codegen
# see pacakges.json for what redo does
yarn redeploy
Send some tx by calling the contract
# replace the 0x.. to your real EOA
bin/cast send --legacy --rpc-url https://rpc.testnet.mantle.xyz \
--private-key 0x.. \
--from 0x.. \
0x1de239E2D98dea46C10D6D14F5E9EB427fdE6059 \
"createGravatar(string,string)" "Alice" "https://google.com/a.jpg"
Then you can query indexed data from https://graph.testnet.mantle.xyz/subgraphs/name/example/graphql .